Our latest house to go up near Inverness was captured on film over 5 days, from start to wind and watertight. This short film shows just how quick and efficient our off-site process has become.
A custom design MAKAR home allows you to realise your vision of the perfect space to live in, and at the same time have the full benefit of the expertise and technology we utilise in our healthy building system. Every aspect of the building is in-line with our use of ecological materials and our off-site construction method, with our customer feeding into the design process. Our customers wanted to make best use of the magnificent views over the firth, whilst creating a light-filled home that responded to the sloping landscape by stepping down the hill.
On-site assembly of the prefabricated panels typically takes 4 – 5 days, and on this project we worked very closely with Macdonald Haulage and James Paterson Haulage to transport all the panels to site and assemble them in order to the wind and watertight stage.
The idea of a new custom design house, which is also environmentally friendly, might seem like a daunting prospect, but the reality is that by working with MAKAR we make it as straightforward and pain-free as possible. We take care of all aspects from the initial design and planning application, right through to finishing the interior of your new eco home. Our customers were delighted with the speed and precision of the assembly, and we are now progressing well with the internal fit out.